Maximizing the Power of Central IRBs Prior to the FDA’s sIRB Mandate


Get ahead of the impending single Institutional Review Board (sIRB) mandate and optimize your clinical trials by tuning into this recorded webinar.

About the Webinar

The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) impending sIRB mandate will streamline processes by requiring multi-site studies to partner with one IRB reviewer. While the date is not set on when this mandate will go into effect, it is crucial to prepare your studies and processes now. Fortunately, in our recorded webinar, WCG’s experts share insights on how to best prepare for the sIRB mandate and the critical role of site selection. Understanding the process of identifying the right sites is essential for the success of your clinical trials. This webinar is most relevant to anyone conducting or managing multi-site research.

WCG’s expert panelists cover:

  • An overview of the impending sIRB mandate.
  • Strategies for streamlining clinical trial processes to meet the new requirements.
  • The critical role of site selection, including best practices for identifying and preparing sites.
  • Proactive steps to take now to ensure a smooth transition to an sIRB process.


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